Assessing Google Classroom use in your School

You can now get Google Classroom reports in the Admin Console. Google Classroom use across the school district is something that I have had a hard time quantifying. The new reports in the G Suite Admin Console add a step in that direction for Google Classroom. There are three measures you can get; Active users, number of posts created and last logged in date.

To start, we have had ~29% of our staff and 44% of our students using Google Classroom in the past week. The number of our students using Classroom on a weekly basis is much higher than the four grade levels who have implemented 1:1 digital learning devices for the first time this fall.
Many other full-fledge LMSs have the ability to pull amazing statistics on assignments and interaction across the school system. I know that I am only pulling reports from a small sample of our staff, but I hypothesize digital assignment trends follow paper assignment trends for the number and day-of-the-week assignments. 

Mondays have been our biggest online posting day since November. Does anyone else see similar stats in their school? 

I did see @mebenson charting some homemade Google Classroom reports in the back of a session at #TIES16 that looked quite a bit more in-depth as far as user statistics and day-to-day interaction with Classroom and G Suite tools. Hopefully more reporting will come.

See Google's original post here, and their video below:
