High Impact Instruction breakout Day 1

Midwest Leadership Summit @ St. Paul RiverCentre  

Content Planning

  • Provides a learning target
  • Supports differentiation 
  • Supports formative assessment
How to create great guiding questions
  1. Identify knowledge
  2. Identify skills 
  3. Identify big ideas 
Standard: c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. 

  • Able to reflect on student understandings
  • Use a collaborative tool to explain some concept
  • Reinforce support student understanding and thinking 
Big Idea: 
  • Student reflections can be used in 
Guiding Questions: 
  • How do you promote student reflection on understandings? 
  • In what ways are students able to explain their thinking and planning of concepts? 

Learning Maps
Start with the pre-organizer - students complete the pre-organizer at the beginning and end of every class that answer these four questions: 
  • What did we learn already? 
  • What are going to learn today? 
  • Why is it important? 
  • What's coming next? 
Formative Assessments
Provide students a CLEAR picture of where they are, and where they are going. Goals and feedback are crucial to engagement. 
As our skill gets better, the challenge has to go up to get us engaged. 
WHY formative assessments? 
  • Increases engagement
  • Increases hope 
  • Increases learning
Thoughts to start creating formative assessments: 
What's the guiding question? 
What are the answers to the question? What are the little specific proficiencies that you can measure and assess for knowledge? 

Use assessments effectively 
  • 5:1 ratio to positive attention corrective attention 
  • Ask questions of all students
  • Connect and redirect
  • Non-verbals
  • Signals 
