Q: I think I want to start a blog A:

BLOGGER.com (or blogspot) is a great tool to publish thoughts and ideas online, and improve writing! There is a lot of research out there (find some here) that those who blog gain composition and comprehension skills that are difficult to teach without authentic experience writing for a broad public audience (online). This blog post by Chris Betcher, an australian educator I met at the Sydney Google Teacher Academy in 2011, references a project I heard Chris talk about that began to get me motivated to utilize blogs more in my classroom.

What's great about Blogger: You can worry about the content and make it look sexy later. Really, the reason for blogging is to focus your thoughts and ideas in writing, while giving you a venue (and reason) to share the idea - at least that is one way to look at it. 

Write down a few ideas (Posts) and THEN play with layouts and templates to make it look good.  I can definitely help you out with this, just give me a few times I can stop by if you want help. 

If you can sign in to blogger.com with your Google Account and find the orange pencil button, you will have your space to beging writing
