is an interactive whiteboard that records video and voice while you write. It is an easy way to record a short lesson or explanation to use for later. Educreations is makes it easy to share a recorded drawing or lesson with your class, or keep it private for your own use and reflection the next time you teach that particular concept. Educreations is full of lessons recorded by teachers from all over the world on topics you probably teach. was designed and built for use by teachers. You need to create an account and sign in as a teacher, but it's a free tool. The whiteboard you draw on is very clean. Even if you aren't recording a lesson, it might be a great place to find an online "blank slate" to write on.
The best part: Educreations works almost the same on their website and an iPad (
App link here). You can access all your Educreations whiteboard recordings from the internet OR the iPad app.
Need to create account: Yes
Cost: FREE, no limitations
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